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суббота, 12 февраля 2011 г.

Celebrity of the Day: Ani Lorak (Karolina)


Official Website:
Official Fanclub:

5 Reasons To Like Her:

1. Her vocal abilities are, no doubt, very strong.

Tina Turner's cover "Simply The Best"

Bon Jovi's cover "It's My Life"

2. She always looks good, fashionable and stylish.

3. She is known for her strong and positive energy both on and off stage.

4. In real life she is quite modest and, as she claims herself, a homebody. She is a kind and wise woman who always underlines in her interviews the importance of  "Love", and "Working Hard for Success".

5. She is one of the most hard-working stars in Ukraine, where whe is a N1 singer.

Watch her new 2011 music video. Song "For You":

U can ask her a question till 17.02.2011:
Her answers will be published 21.02.2011

Follow Her in These Social Sites:
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