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четверг, 17 февраля 2011 г.

Know Person's Character by Rings on Fingers

Palmistry - Finger Study

The length of the fingers supplies various information about the character. A long-fingered person is analytical and academic, liking to study things in detail. A person with markedly short fingers is very practical and intuitive, liking to go with their gut instinct. When the hands are in proportion it shows a balanced personality.The proportion of the fingers in relation to each other is very important. They each stand for a character marking and indicate the strength of that quality.

Forefinger: Confidence, ego, ambition, drive.
Middle finger: Discipline, balance.
Ring finger: Emotional expression, creativity.
Little finger: Communication.


Rings on the fingers can indicate your inner character.Many rings on the hand shows somebody who is wearing emotional armour and is relying on outer things for their wellbeing.

Forefinger: ambition, need to enhance your ego.
Middle finger: Materialistic nature.
Ring finger: This is conventional and is only noted if there are multiple or large rings adorning it. If this is the case then emotional or creative frustration could be present.
Little finger: It is common to see this in the gay community. Otherwise it could indicate difficulties in sexual expression.

According to other study, several more traits of character can be revealed judging by rings on the fingers. For instance:

Forefinger: an extraverted, self-confident person
Middle finger: a desire to be the centre of attention
Ring finger: Naiveness,sexuality, infantilism, emotionality,hysterics
Little finger: bohemian

There is also a point of view that self-sufficient people do not wear any rings at all.

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